*If you’re just joining us, this is the seventh installment of a year long series documenting the building of our personal dream home. So far we’ve tackled:
Inspiration | Floorplan | Location | Breaking Ground | Roofing | Windows | Insulation
So, talk about sheetrock (or drywall). Drywall comes in large 8′ x 4′ sheets and is applied directly to the wood framing of the home. It turns the wood studs into real walls! Yay! Tape is then applied to where the sheets meet to create a unified surface. All electrical outlets are cut out, so everything will show through the new walls. Our trusty installers even strapped on their stilts to reach the higher areas. Let’s take a look!

In some areas of the US, this is where you stop. The seams are puttied up and that’s it…you have your walls, all ready to paint. But in our area (north Florida) it’s common to add on top of the sheetrock with plaster to create a new surface. The plaster comes in bags, is mixed on site and troweled onto the walls. You can select the finish you’d like. There are too many to list, but you can see a variety here.
We choose 3 different finishes for different areas:
–Completely smooth walls in the Master Bedroom, Foyer, Guest Bedroom and others. Wood trim will be added to these and it will all look custom built.
–Smooth for wallpaper in the Dining Room, Pantry, Playroom, Pool Bath, Powder Bath and a few other feature areas. This smooth wall will be perfect for wallpaper applicaiton
–Light texture for all other walls and ceilings
Let’s take a look at the plaster going in.

So, now we have REAL WALLS and are ready to move onto the fun parts of the house! Up next…Trim. Yippee
Thanks for following along in the process of building our dream home. Catch up on the series here or visit any of the previous posts directly below.